jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2007

No tengo nada que poner , =s

Transilvanian Hunger

Production: More desperately distorted and flagrantly low-fi than any previous release in rock or metal, this album uses organic granularity in production to highlight the essential tones within its (complex but minimalistic) melodies.

Review: An album of pure melody running like riverstreams under a pulsing ambient beat with no teleology or intention other than a continuous cycle of aggression and ambiguity brings forth its genius in the complexity of the relations in these deliberately scaled-down simple riffs and melodic interchanges. Highly dissonant in its composition, this music builds spaces to grow in from the seemingly random and nihilistic combinations of notes that are simultaneously familiar in their essential relationships.

1. Transilvanian Hunger
2. Over Fjell Og Gjennom Torner
3. Skald Av Satans Sol
4. Slottet I det Fjerne
5. Graven Tåkeheimens Saler
6. I En Hall Med Flesk Og Mjød
7. As Flittermice As Satans Spys
8. En Ås I Dype Skogen
Length: 39:06

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

El primer acercamiento que tuve indirectamente con este grupo, fue en aquella ocasion en que a modo de juego me pasaste una animacion cuyo sound track era identico a una canción de ellos, no la nombrare porque es posible que me acuerde mas de la parodia que de la original, deberias publicar el video que te comento. (Oye ve a la tienda por comida)